Mindfulness: a brief guide to some books from a Christian perspective

lists some useful books on Christian mindfulness

Quodcumque - Serious Christianity

All who find refuge in you will be glad.

Psalm 5:12

At the end of the last summer holiday I led a mindfulness day for school leaders and Governors at Hope University. Over twenty people attended and all asked that we repeat the day and extend its availability. Further encouragement from one of my fellow priests in the diocese of Liverpool (Chris Daniel McKeigue) has led me to design a five session programme of Mindfulness Training which we are calling Refuge (a deeply biblical word that is repeated frequently in the psalter). I have set up an outline website with further information including a programme outline. I would welcome invitations to deliver this for parishes, clergy chapters or other groups to gather feedback and further improve the material.

The first series of after school events will run in June/July this year and we hope to offer the series once…

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About Sandra Delemare

follower of Jesus, retired mental health nurse, writer. Interests: crochet, photography, wildlife I blog on biblical meditation, mental health and crochet. I'm also posting a series on my life story so people know where I'm coming from.
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